Project Info
Since Tulla Drilling have switched over to Sino Muds for the 2016 Black Rock Open Cut surface drilling program
there has been a noticeable reduction in consumables used and active delays, while significantly noticeable increase in drilling hours. Overall drill cost per meter has dropped by 23%, this cost reduction can also be attributed to the drillers becoming more familiar with the ground conditions. People unfamiliar with the drilling conditions in the BROC should know that it is challenging to say the least, with plenty of cavities, old workings, oxidised/leached formations, overburden and slag back fill for up to 100mts.
These stats are based on the same program performed by Tulla Drilling on the 2015 program using AMC products.
Some measurable key indicators that changed from last year’s program were:
. Active delays down from 31% of total cost to 17%,
.Consumables down from 11% of total cost to 4%,
.Drilling total hours up from 37% to 58%.
Bentonite consumption was noticeable with the overall consumption down by 28%.
Core recovery has been excellent along with the presentation of the core in the trays, no excess drilling fluids present. The most notable difference was the products stabilising the hole well enough to complete the hole to depth with good penetration rates, conduct surveys without getting stuck and the dramatic reduction in chargeable down hole consumables. Overall the diamond drilling component of the 2016 BROC program was very successful and was also completed ahead of schedule.